Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Carrie Diaries: My NEW television addiction

The Carrie Diaries has become my NEW television addiction! This show takes place in the 80's and serves as a prequel to The Sex and The City stories. The show starts off with informing us of Carrie's mother dying leaving her with her dad and her little sister Dora. She is greeted by her three best friends Jill (Mouse), Maggie and Walt (Maggie's boyfriend) her first day back doesn't seem too tragic. Then comes mega hottie Sebastian...isn't that name hot S.e.b.a.s.h.i.a.n, apparently they were former flames and by the looks of it he may want to reignite it.
As time goes on in the season starter, Carrie's dad thinks it may be a good idea to arrange a internship for Carrie, where you may ask...Manhattan, New York! With fashion and culture surrounding Carrie, its hard to keep your priorities straight...but Carrie seems to do it with effortless style. With Secrets, Boys, Fashion, and Dreams...looks like The Carrie Diaries will juicy enough to keep me tuning in week by week. I'll be watching, will you? Will Carrie be able to follow her dreams and remain a normal teenager? time will tell
The Carrie Diaries comes on Mondays at 8/7c on The CW


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